Project Implementation
One-stop shop for battery storage, solar-hybrid and P2G (hydrogen) projects
SMA Altenso supports you several services along the project value chain in order to turn your project idea into a successful project. Our engineering and procurement focus is on Battery Storage Systems, Solar Hybrid Systems and on Power to Gas Applications in the MW range.
Based on our engineering experience and worldwide network, we can offer you services ranging from integrated solutions to complete turnkey implementation. Especially for innovative solutions in emerging markets, we help to reduce the complexity of your project during the planning and implementation phases.

Market leading company for large scale battery storage projects
With more than 13 GW of installed battery inverter power, SMA is one of the market leaders for battery inverters. SMA Altenso has deployed over 1,000 MW* of BESS systems in several countries worldwide and can accompany your battery storage project from the development phase till commissioning.
Typical application of our BESS projects ranges from grid ancillary services (frequency regulation, reactive power provision, energy trading, dispatching), energy shifting (AC or DC-coupling), synthetic inertia, colocation of BESS with renewables, peak energy shifting and shaving, (AC or DC-coupling), ramp-rate control, black-start and resynchronization, grid forming, UPS behavior, synthetic inertia, off-grid application, and large-scale island electrification.
* including projects that are currently in execution

Innovative solutions for the hydrogen sector
Basing on SMA’s leading IGBT technology the company has developed the “Electrolyzer Converter” series which optimally supplies electrolyzers (PEM or Alkaline) with DC power in the MW range. SMA Altenso GmbH provides the whole value chain for the power supply of electrolyzers from the medium-voltage AC grid interconnection to the low-voltage DC connection of the electrolyzer. Additional engineering- or customization services can be offered in order to meet the best technical and economical solution.

Experienced in innovative international projects
Having delivered innovative power supply solutions to many (sometimes very remote areas) SMA Altenso GmbH can look back on a long track record for over 1,000 MW successfully realized BESS projects. We are specialized in delivering customized solar, battery or hybrid power supply solutions with innovative control and monitoring solutions upon customer needs.

SMA hybrid test bench
SMA has its own 5 MW testing facility, which is packed with many different features and options for testing new system technologies for hybrid power supply systems. The test bench simulates standard hybrid stand-alone grids, the kind used to supply villages in off-grid regions. It also simulates hybrid grids to supply commercial and industrial loads.
With this test center, we not only validate our products but also test specific project application scenarios.
PV inverters, battery applications, diesel-gensets in combination with the public grid can be tested here in regard to their technical behavior before shipment and installation.